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ZAPORIZHZHIA STATE ENGINEERING ACADEMY ![]() освітньої діяльності ЗДІА від 13.05.2017р IV level of accreditation License number 636 485 AE from 17.06.2015
Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, in accordance with the Order of Ministry of Education of Ukraine № 943 from 16.10.2009 and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 265 from 02.03.2010 begins issuing the Diploma Supplement of Higher Education, developed in accordance with the form approved by the European Commission Council of Europe and UNESCO / CEPES
Diploma Supplement of European standard Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy was founded in 1959 by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR as an evening branch of Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute; since 1965, - the department of DMI ( Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute), and since 1976, - Zaporizhzhia Industrial Institute. By resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №592 of 29.08.1994 Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy was established on the basis of Zaporizhzhia Industrial Institute. Soon the higher education institution will celebrate its 55th anniversary. By the standards of a human life, it is the age of maturity. In this case, this criterion is quite applicable to the Engineering Academy. During the years of its existence, thanks to the successful start, an educational institution has grown from a branch of the provincial institute to an Academy. Graduates of the Academy fully meet the staffing needs of industry in the region. The first brick of prosperity of today's Academy was laid down by the first rector - Y.M. Potebnya. RECTOR Y.M. POTEBNYA ZSEA HISTORY He headed the university for over 20 years. He was not only a wise but an inspirational leader who managed to combine teams of teachers and students under the slogan whose general idea was "our higher educational institution - with our hands!" A successful idea soon materialized in the construction, using their own resources, of academic buildings, a preventorium and student recreation centers. He also helped to create student teams. It allowed for unification of the educational process: formation of active student civic position, so as to develop organizational skills as well as preparation for the engineering profession CORPORATE CODE of ZSEA,, HONOR CODE of a TEACHER,, HONOR CODE of a STUDENT of ZSEA. are approved and valid In ZSEA. |
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Department of
Civil Engineering and Water Resources Water Supply and Water Disposal Industrial and Civil Engineering Municipal Construction and Development Department of Power Engineering and Energy Conservation Energy Management (next stage of training) Heat Power Engineering Hydropower Engineering Department of Automated Systems of Process Control Electronic Systems; Physical and Biomedical Electronics; Software of Automated Systems; Automated Control of Technological Processes |
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Metallurgy of ferrous metals Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Environmental Management; Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals; Metal working process; Metallurgical Equipment Department of Economics and Management Accounting and Auditing; Management of Organizations; Finance; Economic Cybernetics; Business Economics The Center of Continuing Education Professional development and qualification upgrading for specialists for all basic specialties in the academy (Forms of education - daytime and evening) Retraining of specialists and advanced training for all basic specialties of the Academy (forms of education - daytime and evening) |
The Academy is a strong scientific and research complex. 778 people work in the academy. 324 research and teaching staff, including 33 doctors of science and 189 candidates of science provide educational process and scientific activity.
An important step on the way to a real increase in the quality of training was the introduction in ZSEA a credit-modular system of educational process as a first step towards the full implementation of the program to join the European educational space on the concept of the Bologna process. Specialized Academic Council for doctoral and candidate dissertations defense on specialty 05.16.02. "Ferrous and non-ferrous metals and special alloys" has been acting since 1995. Improving the quality of specialists training at the academy is identified as a priority task, which involves the introduction of innovative learning technologies, general computerization and information system development and engaging students in various forms of scientific research activity as well as receiving theoretical and practical knowledge A modern higher educational institution cannot be developed dynamically without a library that works on the basis of the latest information technologies. A library stock is replenished with textbooks of a new generation using multimedia technologies and electronic books. Information Computer Centre works as a structural subdivision of Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy. The main purpose of the ITC is organizing, management, coordination, monitoring and works implementation to ensure the smooth functioning and development of information and computer infrastructure of ZSEA. There are 30 computer classes involved in the educational process in the academy. There are more than 1,000 personal computers which are used in the educational process. For many years the academy is an active member of the Association Information Technologies development in Zaporizhzhia. On the basis of ZSEA Networking Academy Cisco, and Microsoft IT Academy has been working. The Linguistic Center was founded in Zaporozhzhia State Engineering Academy in 2000 to teach all students of the academy, primarily those who are involved in the international academic exchange programs, but also for all people interested in foreign languages, particularly English, German, French, Spanish. People of different ages and occupations: school children, students and postgraduates, pensioners and businessmen study at the center. Under current conditions higher education institutions are engaged not only in scientific and educational activity, but also use the principle of unity for the learning processes, scientific activity and education. In this context, an important place in the educational work belongs to the curatorship. Students of ZSEA participate actively in the life and activity of the academy through student self-governance: Student Senate of ZSEA, Student Council of ZSEA dormitories, primary trade union organization of students and doctoral students of ZSEA, Student Research Society In the educational process the activity of public organizations such as Philosophy, Political clubs, Accountants and Auditors Club, Dispute Club "Active Brain" is very important. Club of Intellectual Games "What, Where When?" is one of the best in the cityStudent Arts Center «Port-Arte» (ZSEA) has no equal in Ukraine. The student center started its activity as a student club that had such creative teams as STEM (Student theater of variety miniatures), vocal-instrumental ensemble, folk and ballroom dance ensembles. A center then was established uniting all genres of art: a student theater, vocal studio, show-ballet, ensemble of contemporary variety and ballroom dances, KVN (Talent Show) team. Student and teaching staff achievements in sport are some of the most successful activities which have been developing in ZSEA since 60-70 years. Some students of ZSEA became Olympic champions and Olympic silver medalists. 91 Masters of Sport and 44 Masters of Sport of International Class in various sports have been trained In the Academy. The Academy provides any person interested in sport an opportunity to engage in basketball, athletics, handball and so on.The Academy has got two student dormitories for 1280 places with a total area of 14850 sq.m. All conditions for comfortable living, self-study and preparation for classes have been created in the dormitories. Household services are organized properly. Medical Service for the students of the Academy is carried out in the regional student hospital and medical center of the Academy. A significant contribution to the Health Protection and Promotion for students in the academy provides a sanatorium-preventorium (health and recreation centre). Among Ukrainian universities, only the Academy was awarded the highest category. It works on a continuous schedule. Medical complex (health center) consists of doctors' offices, manipulation cabinet, inhalatorium, remedial gymnastic cabinet, physical therapy department. The main goal of every institution of higher education is formation of intellectual resources of the state. Now Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy by its scientific research development and innovative teaching and learning technologies provides a significant contribution to Human Resourcing of policy implementation for socio-economic growth of Ukraine. Look forward to any task, meet any challenge - "through the thorns - to the stars" - the motto of the faculty and students of the Academy. With such weighty scientific, educational and historical heritage, the Academy is entering a new stage of its development, confirming its image of the leading engineering educational institution at this stage of history of Zaporizhzhia region. Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy 69006, Zaporizhzhia, Soborny Ave., 226 ![]() fax: (061) 283-08-38 ![]() ![]() Official website of the Academy: zgia.zp.ua |
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